Limite Valicabile / E14


Year: 2017

Site: Italy - Cuneo (CN)

Client: Comune di Cuneo (CN)

Program: Recovery of the former military area


Status: Competition

Team: Dunamis Architettura - Pictures: Mauro Mauriello

Developed for Europan 14 in Cuneo, this project focuses on a primary strategic concept: the reappropriation of a part of the city – occupied by military barracks – as an occasion for imagining a space where free time, work and culture revitalise an urban park. The park is imagined as part of a vaster system of landscaping that embraces Cuneo, creating a transversal connection between existing riverside parks via cycling paths. In this threshold space nature and city find their perfect synthesis. A once “impassable” limit becomes “passable”:
overcoming this physical limit is a symbol for overcoming all limits, whether urban or social, and of a new space of shared activities and life. Above all, public space becomes the ‘alter ego’ of the historical centre, a hinge, an urban node for the contemporary city. The strength of this reappropriation lies precisely in the desire to move from a single isolated function to a multifunctional park. This multifunctionality makes for a living environment at all hours of the day,
open to all manner of users, creating a place of exchange capable of hosting multiple activities of citizens – commercial, cultural, artisanal – and an integral part of the process of revitalising and requalifying this area.